Relationship to the Bible Genesis is the book of beginnings Revelation is the book of endings Genesis is the book of origins Revelation is the book of consummations. Gentry, A Preterist View of Revelation in Four Views on the Book of Revelation, ed. certainty the book was written before 70 AD., this is the perspective of this work.

This book aspires to prepare the reader for such holy and mystical veneration, setting out appropriately what relates to the theological significance of the Apocalypse. ber seven, that does not exclude the fact that the Revelation was addressed to seven literal churches existing at that time.13 By contrast, many Bible scholars, including certain hermeneutics authorities,14 3 9 Kenneth L. The book is seen as a spiritual allegory for the comfort and encouragement of the church. This fact notwithstanding, the Prophet Joseph once said: The book of Revelation is one of the plainest books God ever caused to be written. Reproduction: Δεν επιτρέπεται η αναπαραγωγή (text to speech).įor centuries now, people have pored over the Book of Revelation and have been curious about the Sacred Cave of the Theophany seeking to penetrate its meaning and venerate with devotion the traces of the disciple of Love. Christi- anity, and the ultimate triumph of Christ in our lives.